Course Information
Investigation Level One and Two
Since 1990 we have been investigating cases of workplace harassment and discrimination Canada wide. We train internal investigators in the same safe, reliable and respectful techniques that we use to conduct fair, thorough and effective investigations. Complete details and registration for our Regina workshop – September 22nd to 27th, 2014 are shown below. Be sure to register by July 24th as seating is limited. In-house quotations are available upon request.
The objective of the Level One and Two Investigation course is to become familiar with all areas of conducting a complete and thorough harassment investigation from start to finish. Particular attention is paid to understanding the sources of potential pitfalls before they happen, and crafting a practice that eliminates as many as possible. Participants will practice investigation skills (through interviews with professional actors), share their experiences with others in the session, and broaden their perspectives in this highly variable area. Upon completion of the course participants will have the knowledge required to conduct investigations as well as the ability to create an investigative process to follow in their workplace, or improve existing procedures.
Hill Advisory Services has worked on a large number of complex Investigations for over 23 years. We specialize in workplace conflict and investigations, so we are able to bring the most current considerations and learning opportunities to the Course.
During Level One, Participants will work through a range of topics from the start to the conclusion of an investigation – from the taking of initial statements through to witness interviews to final report writing. Utilizing an effective balance of theory and practical exercises the experienced investigators and facilitators of Hill Advisory Services present a wide array of information via lectures, handouts and participatory exercises.
The areas of practical learning in Level One include:
- The legal and ethical roles and responsibilities of investigators
- Investigator questioning techniques
- What investigators require
- Preparing for the investigation and interview
- Conducting the interview
- Assessing information and evidence
- The mechanics of final report writing
- The principals of civil law as they relate to the process
- Witness Statements
- Report analysis
- A variety of handouts including tips on the investigation process
During Level Two, the majority of time in the Program is spent on interviewing witnesses; with interviews occurring on all three days of Level Two. As in Level One, the interviews are based on a real case of harassment. Participants are guided through interviewing witnesses; developing a witness statement, obtaining witness signature for the statement and preparing questions for the witnesses to a complaint of harassment. On the completion of witness interviews, participants prepare for and conduct re-direct interviews with the primary parties to the complaint.
The areas of practical learning in Level Two are:
- Interview Preparation
- Witness Interviews (3)
- Statement Development and Signature
- Preparation for re-direct interviews
- Re-direct interviews (2)
- Weighing evidence and forming conclusions
- Providing evidence to support conclusions
- Advance study materials are provided to each participant of Level Two.
You can contact us via email at or by phone at 204.831.7661.