Edmonton Workshop

Edmonton Workshop

Harassment Investigation Level One and Two – Course Information

Edmonton Session:  November 30th to December 4th, 2020


Since 1990 Hill Advisory Services investigated thousands of complaints Canada wide and helped numerous investigators expand their own toolkit. We invite you to join us to learn the same safe, reliable and respectful investigation techniques that have made us a leader in this industry.  In 25 years, we have not had a single case overturned upon further review. Come for the gold standard in Investigation training! Registration deadline is October 16th, 2020.


November 30th, December 1st and 2nd, 2020

Investigation Level One:

$1,150.00 + GST (3 day program)

November 30th to December 4th, 2020

Investigation Level One and Two:

$2,150.00 + GST (5 day program)

Already attended Level One? Join us for Level Two, December 3rd and 4th! Contact us for more information.


Investigation Level One utilizes a combination of theory-based lectures and hands-on practical exercises involving group tasks and investigation scenarios with professional actors. Participants will work through a range of topics from the start to the conclusion of an investigation –  from the taking of initial statements through to witness interviews to final report writing. Through an effective balance of theory and practical exercises the experienced investigators and facilitators of Hill Advisory Services present a wide array of information via lectures, handouts and participatory exercises. The areas of practical learning in Level One include:

  • The legal and ethical roles and responsibilities of investigators
  • Investigator questioning techniques
  • What investigators require
  • Preparing for the investigation and interview
  • Conducting the interview
  • Assessing information and evidence
  • The mechanics of final report writing
  • The principals of civil law as they relate to the process
  • Witness Statements
  • Report analysis           

Investigation Level Two:

After a course on the fundamentals of Harassment (or any) Investigation it can be tempting to consider yourself an expert. This is something we discuss with every class. The danger is very real. Feeling as if you are an expert can lead to lack of flexibility or a closed minded approach. This can be deadly in the highly emotional and high-stakes landscape of conflict in the workplace.

In Level Two we truly take it to the next level. In addition to more complex interviews, we will advance the conversation to explore the Art of interviewing and the subtleties, not just the basics. In Level Two we will ask more of you and our program focuses intensely on the immediate feedback of our experienced facilitator.

During Level Two, the majority of time in the Program is spent on interviewing witnesses; with interviews occurring throughout. Participants are guided through interviewing witnesses; developing a witness statement, and preparing questions for the witnesses.  On the completion of witness interviews, participants prepare for and conduct re-direct interviews with the primary parties. The areas of practical learning in Level Two are:

  • Interview Preparation
  • Witness Interviews
  • Statement Development
  • Preparation for re-direct interviews
  • Re-direct interviews
  • Weighing evidence and forming conclusions
  • Providing evidence to support conclusions

Level Two study materials are provided to each participant prior to the course.

Note:  Clients who have attended Level One in the past are welcome to join us for Level Two!




Hilton Garden Inn Edmonton West

17610 Stony Plain Road

Your safety & comfort is our priority. Events will adhere to all local COVID protocols, please contact us for more information.

Class size is reduced – early registration is suggested. Registration deadline is October 16th, 2020.

“Upon completing the Harassment Investigation Training, I felt much more equipped to handle complaints of harassment and other workplace issues that came to me.” – Testimonial